
Showing posts with the label microsoft dynamics crm

How to show missing buttons in UCI interface

Problem In new interface of Dynamics CRM certain button on ribbon might not available. For example, Qualify button on Leads form or Add Existing button on subgrid ribbon.  Solution Add entity meta data to a solution, say, LeadsRibbon Open solution in ribbon workbench On form ribbon of Leads, right click on Qualify button and select Customize Command Under Enable Rule section of the command remove below highlighted rule Publish solution Cheers!!!!

How to quickly connect to Dynamics CRM/365 (online-onprem) using C#?

Note: for this walkthrough I’ve been using ConsoleApplication Step 1: Add following .Net references:         System.Runtime.Serialization       System.ServiceModel Step 2: Add following references available in Bin folder of the SDK         Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk       Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Portal Step 3: Add following namespaces in your class file         using System.Runtime.Serialization;       using System.ServiceModel;       using System.ServiceModel.Description;       using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;       using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;       using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;       using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Discovery;       using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; Step 4: Create a method EstablishConnetionWithCRM with following three parameters:        UserName - Provide O365 Userid in case of online CRM, for on-prem proivde doamin\username        Password - Provide Password       ServiceUrl - Provide Organization Service URL by going through f